Message from Mrs Penberthy, Headteacher
Choosing your option subjects to study in year 10 is an exciting phase of your secondary education. It is the first time you have had the opportunity to make a choice about what you study. Taking time to find out about all the subjects, what you will study and how you will be assessed is really important. I advise you to read the information in this booklet carefully, talk to the subject teachers, your form tutor, parents and carers. However, it is your decision, and you must choose what you are both good at and what you enjoy. It will be you studying the course for two years, so do not pick a subject because your friends have or because you think you should. Pick your subjects because YOU want to study them.
Mullion school has a reputation and record of academic excellence, all subjects are high performing and taught by specialist teachers. We are proud of the range of courses on offer at Mullion School, there is a broad choice which included GCSEs, BTECs and Technical Awards. All courses are academic, and are level 2 courses, some are more practical than others, some have more internal assessments and some are all final exams. Look carefully at how you will be assessed and what you will study.
It is not essential to know what you want to go on and study Post-16, or the career pathway you want to take. There will be many exciting opportunities out there for you, some not developed yet.
Some of Cornwall’s largest industries at present include Space, Creative Industries, Agri-Food, Tourism, Energy, Marine, Mining and eHealth but these are rapidly changing and opportunities are increasing with our growing digital connectivity. I would like you to explore all the career pathways and opportunities that are available and having a look before your options is a good time to start.
You never know what might spark your interest, but what I do know is that you have an exciting future ahead of you.